Dangerous driving: sentencing and recidivism

On 29 November 2023, the Council received a sentencing referral from the ACT Attorney-General on the topic of dangerous driving: sentencing and recidivism. This referral was made pursuant to the Council’s sentencing functions.

Sentencing Council referral

Terms of reference for dangerous driving sentencing and recidivism

  1. The Crimes (Sentencing) Act 2005 outlines that a court may impose a sentence for a number of purposes, including ensuring the offender is adequately punished, deterrence, protecting the community, promoting rehabilitation of the offender, making the offender accountable, denouncing the offender’s conduct, and recognising harm done to the victim and community.   The Act also specifies matters to which a court must have regard in deciding how to sentence an offender.
  2. The Council will review and analyse data on the sentencing of dangerous driving offenders, including repeat offenders, having particular regard to Recommendation 3 of the Standing Committee on Justice and Committee Safety Report No16 Inquiry into Dangerous Driving, and the Government’s response to this recommendation.
  3. The Council will also consider and make recommendations for any procedural, administrative, or legislative changes that could assist in reducing the incidence of repeat offending, particularly in the context of dangerous driving.
  4. The Council should undertake consultation with:
    1. experts in First Nations justice, and First Nations people directly affected by and with lived experience relevant to the referral; and
    2. victims of crime and/or their families in relation to the referral.
  5. The Council may also undertake any other consultation it considers necessary or appropriate for the purposes of forming its recommendations in relation to this referral.
  6. The Council should consider any findings and recommendations of the First Report of the Independent Review into Overrepresentation of First Nations people in the ACT criminal justice system.
  7. The Council will report on the above issues and provide its recommendations to the Attorney-General by 30 July 2024.

You can view and download the full Terms of Reference here.

Consultation paper

On 26 March 2024, the Council publicly released a consultation paper, seeking information and submissions.

Please refer to the following questions in your submission:

How to make a submission

The Council is keen to hear from members of the community about their experience and perceptions on dangerous driving in the ACT.

The Council also welcomes submissions from organisations whose work is relevant to the subject matter of the review.

Public submissions provide us with the information and opinions we need to give advice on law reform and sentencing matters in the ACT.

You can make a submission by visiting our digital form and uploading your submission file. Submission files can include Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, photo and video files and PDFs.

You can also send your submission via email to the Council Secretariat at LRSACSecretariat@act.gov.au.

Responses to the consultation paper are welcomed by 4pm on 7 May 2024.